The Journey Begins

Samba Classified

This story begins in January 2018. It is, of course, only the beginning of a new chapter. A new chapter in a moderately interesting life. Think of this as one of those annoying times when you load the first episode of a new-to-you series on Netflix only to find out they don’t have the first two seasons available for streaming. Well, kind of like that…. but hopefully less annoying….occasionally funny…..and I’ll definitely be doing flashbacks so everyone can understand the inside jokes.


January 8, 2018……….


Google: syncro westfalia ………………. results: nope, nope, nope-ity…..


hold up…………..


TheSamba – 1987 Vanagon Westfalia Syncro Price: (let’s just call it reasonable)


…….. and the race is on

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